New York
PAVLIDIS MARBLE GRANITE was established in 1980 in Drama City by Efkleidis Pavlidis.
Our dedicated approach to delivering quality materials and work, our continuous development in up-to date machinery equipment our investments in exploration and exploitation of new deposits and our personal touch to each customer's requirements, made since then the company to become one of the most respected suppliers of natural stone worldwide specialized in White Marble.
Its founder spirit was the guidance and his vision were the target for the generations to come.
Nowadays with acquisitions of big white marble deposits and diversifying part of our activities to Renewal Energy Resources we are looking to the future with confidence and pride.
With quarries mainly in Northern Greece but also in neighboring countries, we produce more than 300.000 tons of rough marble blocks per year.
In Industrial Installations of 30.000 m2 lying in 1O Hectare grounds located nearby Drama City, we are transforming part of the marble blocks to finished products. We fabricate and export to over 40 countries worldwide, random size slabs, tiles, as well as cut to size products for distinctive projects in marble and granite.
We are certified with ISO 9001:2015 and have available all necessary Material Data Sheets (MDS), as well as CE marking for our products.
ARISTON is considered the company's flagship product. With its fine "thin grey vein in white background «appearance», is a must for any luxurious project from East to West.
SIVEC® has been selected to give its exclusive white appearance in many monumental projects Including mosques, palaces, parliament buildings, as well as Shopping Malls and Office Towers.
KAVALA calcitic marble is a "Heavy Duty" performer and an economical solution for the building Industry.
GALAXY and DOLIT are used for decorative and designed patterns on white background.
PERLA limestone and ALIVERI are completing the palette of stones produced from our own quarries.
10 MW photovoltaic parks and 70 MW Wind Turbine engines in farms in Northern Greece making one of the important marble and granite companies energy self-sufficient.
The total environmental benefit of 80 MW renewable energy resources projects, saving yearly more than 220.000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), offering electric power to approx. 250.000 households, equivalents to 450.000 hectares of forest land.
We apply modern, environment-friendly excavation methods in terms of air pollution, noise attenuation and water preservation.
25.000 new trees and bushes have been planned and systematically irrigated during the last years, rehabilitating old extraction fronts of the quarries.
New energy efficient models implemented, saving approx. 28% of energy per extracted ton.
Being a member of the Greek Mining Enterprises Association, we have adopted the "Code of Principles" to comply with the Sustainable Development Indicators (SDI) set by EU.
Balance sheet 2012 Balance sheet 2020 Quality Policy
Balance sheet 2013 Balance sheet 2021
Balance sheet 2014 Balance sheet 2022
Balance sheet 2015 Balance sheet 2023
Balance sheet 2016
Balance sheet 2017
Balance sheet 2018
Balance sheet 2019
The company has a marble cutting and processing factory and a granite cutting and processing factory in the Industrial Area of Drama.With full and complete mechanical equipment which is updated and expanded in accordance with the cutting-edge technological developments, the company's trained and experienced personnel is always able to meet the growing demand for its products.PAVLIDIS MARBLES-GRANITES's equipment comprises:
• 16 blade gangsaws• 12 block cutters• 1 slab resin line
• 5 slab polishing machines• 4 complete tile lines• 10 bridge sawing machines and is able to cover, smoothly and with top quality results, orders of any size.
In Granitis, Drama, in a small enclosed plateau is one of the most valuable ores of the Greek land. Using mild extraction methods, 30,000 m³ of marble blocks are excavated and are sent out immediately, or after processing, to every corner of the globe. The names ARISTON, ARISTON V and ARISTON GL are the trade names of the colour selections of the white marble that is extracted in the quarry. This is a noble and fine marble with high aesthetic value.
The quarry from which the homonymous KAVALA marble is extracted dominates the top of a hill. The capacity of the quarry amounts to 40,000 m³ of marble blocks per year. One of the traditional crystalline marbles of the Greek land with applications ranging from private to public works, and works that require an excellent finish, KAVALA is preferred for its superior aesthetics and durability.
The white marble of Volakas with its characteristic grey/brown veins is extracted in the quarry adjacent to the village of the same name beneath the snowy peak of Falakro Mountain. VOLAKAS marble completes and enriches the company's range of white marbles and is an internationally recognised and acclaimed material.
In the area of the Springs of the River Aggitis on the fringes of Falakro, PAVLIDIS MARBLES-GRANITES extracts a unique marble with characteristic grey/blue veins on a white background which is marketed under the name FLORIDA and is famous for its aesthetic value.
Southern Albania, near to the village of Skrapar, is the location of the company's quarry that excavates the cream/beige limestone under the name of Perla. This is a homogeneous material with excellent physical and mechanical characteristics and capacity which can successfully meet the needs of any small or large project.
Industrial Area, 60 st.66100, Drama – Greece
t. +30 2521306100
f. +30 2521306110
Athens Branch
19014, Afidnes
t. +30 2295023334
f. +30 2295023335
Thessaloniki Branch
57200, Kavalari
t. +30 2394052172
f. +30 2394052178
White marble, scattered with thin, light linear, diagonal, or wavy grayish/beige veining, in a unique and uniform pattern.
The face can be finished into honed, polished or brushed.
Suitable mainly for interior but also exterior applications.
White marble, characterized by the presence of diagonal and linear, light, smooth, or intense grayish veining.
The face can be finished into a honed, polished or brushed.
Suitable for any interior and exterior application.
White marble, scattered with thin or medium thickness, light linear, diagonal, or wavy grayish/beige veining, in a unique and uniform pattern.
Fine grained white background marble scattered with medium to intense diagonal, cloudy or wavy greyish/beige and brownish veining.
White marble scattered with thin to medium cloudy or diagonal grayish/brownish veins.
Fine grained white background marble scattered with intense cloudy or wavy or diagonal greyish/ brownish veins.
Fine grained white background marble characterized by its typical medium to intense, cloudy, or diagonal grey/bluish veins.
Fine grained, cream-beige limestone with brownish fossil inclusions.
The face can be finished into a honed, polished, bush-hammered, brushed, bush-hammered and brushed or sandblasted
Medium grained calcitic marble with white greyish background available in the selections L with light grey veining, M with medium to heavy ash grey cloudy or wavy veining and P with parallel to the length linear grey veining.
The face can be finished into a honed, polished, bush-hammered, brushed, bush-hammered and brushed or sandblasted.
Fine-grained, light beige limestone with slightly darker beige veining.
Medium grained, greyish calcitic marble with occasional light grey veins.
Fine grained, beige-yellowish homogenous limestone without significant veining. Grey or brown dots and greysh crystal lines may appear.
fine-grained, yellowish marble with cloudy brownish veining
Fine grained beige-yellowish limestone with small white and brown fossils The stone is available in cross-cut and vein-cut.
Fine grained, uniform beige-brownish, hard limestone with occasional, irregular white and grey lines.
Light beige - cream Travertine available in both cutting ways, vein-cut and cross-cut. Holes can be filled with epoxy resin.
The face can be finished into a filled or unfilled honed, polished, brushed.
Light beige Travertine available in both cutting ways, vein-cut and cross-cut. Holes can be filled with epoxy resin.
Fine grained calcite black marble with a very strong structure, that enclose inside thin white veins .
This unique material makes a great combination with the white materials in all applications.
Suitable mainly for interior but also exterior applications
Has completed the installation of 120 computers which have fully equipped all Primary Schools of Drama.
An ultramodern Ultrasound Machine was donated to Obstetrics-Gynaecological Clinic of the Public General Hospital of Drama as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility.
As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, we support financial the Institution «Ark of the World».
As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, we support financial the Institution Doctors without Borders «Medecins Sans Frontieres».
Has completed the second phase of installation 132 computers which have fully equipped 36 computer labs in schools of Secondary education in Drama.
As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility we support financial the Institution "The Smile of the Child".
As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, we support financial the Institution "The Smile of the Child".
As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, we support financial the Institution Doctors without borders «Medecins Sans Frontieres».
Financial support of Institution «Ark of the World»
Financial support of Institution "The Smile of the Child"
Has completed the installation of 140 computers which have fully equipped 12 computer labs in schools of Secondary education in Drama.
Financial support of Institution Doctors without borders «Medecins Sans Frontieres».
Completed the installation of the Photovoltaic Power 10 kw, on the roof of the elementary school in Xiropotamos.
financial support of Institution "The Smile of the Child".
Donation for the purchase of a Flexible Video Gastroscope in Dramas General Hospital.
MARCH 2018
APRIL 2015
visit here
The DIRECTION BUSINESS NETWORK organized under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Development and SEV - the Hellenic Federation of Enterprices "The best of the Greek Economy" event, which awards 64 companies that the last years are consistently at the top of the economic indexes.
PAVLIDIS SA MARBLES GRANITES distinguished as "The Best of the Marble & Granite sector in Greek Economy" to the ceremony award.
Theodoros Apostolopoulos, Commercial Manager of the company is receiving the business excellence award.
JUNE 2018
PAVLIDIS SA MARBLES GRANITES distinguished for the third consecutive year as a True Leader, within the ICAP Group's homonymous institution to the ceremony award held on December 19, 2017 in the presence of important business agents in the country, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Development and the Group of companies and industries.
ICAP Group has awarded 52 Companies and 16 Business Groups that meet specific economic indicators, showing high returns and progress in 2016.
Mr. Theodoros Apostolopoulos, Commercial Manager of the company, is receiving the award from ICAP
The DIRECTION BUSINESS NETWORK organized under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Development and SEV - the Hellenic Federation of Enterprices “The best of the Greek Economy” event, which awards 40 companies that the last years are consistently at the top of the economic indexes.
PAVLIDIS SA MARBLES GRANITES distinguished as “The Best of the Marble & Granite sector in Greek Economy” to the ceremony award.
Theodoros Apostolopoulos, Commercial Manager of the company receives the award from Dr. Takis Athanasopoulos, President of the Greek Foundation of Economic and Industrial Research.
MAY 2017
The Association of Industries of Northern Greece organized the institution Awards "Value Greek Northern Greece".
During the ceremony were awarded 19 companies that met specific economic indicators, showing high returns and progress in 2016.
Mr. Christoforos Pavlidis, the CEO of the company, is receiving the business excellence award for large companies.
MARCH 2017
PAVLIDIS SA MARBLES GRANITES distinguished for the second consecutive year as a True Leader, within the ICAP Group's homonymous institution to the ceremony award held on November 16, 2016 in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Economy and Development and prominent businessmen of the country, under the auspices of the Ministry development and Tourism and the Group of companies and industries.
ICAP Group has awarded 59 companies and 12 Business Groups that meet specific economic indicators, showing high returns and progress in 2015.
Mr. Christoforos Pavlidis, the CEO of the company, is receiving the award from ICAP.
ICAP Group has organized the institution of True Leaders, which honored 54 companies and groups that meet specific economic indicators, showing high returns and progress in 2014.
Christoforos Pavlidis, CEO of the company, receives the award from the President of Entrepreneurship Association, Konstantinos Euripides.
The DIRECTION BUSINESS NETWORK organized under the auspices of Hellenic Federation of Enterprises "The best of the Greek Economy" event, entitled "Entrepreneurship - Unique Pillar Development", which awards 50 companies that the last five years are consistently at the top of the economic indicators.
Christoforos Pavlidis, CEO, receives the award from Nikos Karageorgiou, President of the Greek Association of Branded Product Manufacturers.
Our company organized an internal meeting of the Greek Mining Enterprices Association, concerning safety and the public image of the Greek Mining Industry.
MAY 2015
Mermeren Kombinat AD, Prilep ("Mermeren") has been informed that the holders of the equity interests of Stone Works Holdings Coöperatief U.A. ("Stoneworks"), the holder of 88.4% of Mermeren's issued share capital, have signed a definitive agreement to sell 100% of Stoneworks to Pavlidis S.A. Marble-Granite ("Pavlidis").
The completion of the transaction is conditional only on the obtaining of necessary approvals from the FYROM Commission for Protection of Competition.
Prilep, 21 June 2017
ANNOUNCEMENT (In Greek Language)
Information Material (in Greek Language)
Announcement of proposed Acquisition
Additional Information Material